Monday, June 24, 2013

Building Week - Summer Theme Week

This week I intended to do a lot more than what we did. Aidan was in Soccer Camp 4 days out of the week in the mornings, so we weren't able to do as much as I had liked. HOWEVER! The boys took the name of the week, Building Week, and built A LOT of things...mostly out of LEGOS.

Luke is growing out of "baby" toys. Meaning, he is totally INTO LEGOS.

So we gave him a small box of Aidan's LEGOS and he is in love with building. If it's quiet in the house, I will usually find them hovering, either together or separately, over a box of LEGO pieces.

Aidan has really taken to using YouTube to find "HOW TO" videos for building anything and everything. He has even made a few videos himself! He made this Dragon from a video. It took him ALL DAY and a few bouts of frustration, but he did it!

Aidan's Videos:

This weekend marked the first time that Luke got his very own LEGO set. Proud big brother, of course, built it for him, and it's the same as Aidan's, but nonetheless, he is a "Big Boy Builder" now as Luke says.


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