Thursday, December 13, 2012

Establishing Family Night

Should be Bucket List #1...but in the mix of life it dwindles down the list to about 204-604!

Throughout our early years of marriage, we have watched families with kids establish a family night. For some, it was always Tuesday night. Others, it was ANY night that they could grab. Before we had kids, we knew that this was something we wanted to do: Establish a Family Night every week.

Once Aidan was born, for those of you who know, our financial life was upside-down. Once we became established again, Aidan was...well...upside-down. Then, we had Luke. Then therapy, then moving, then...then...then... Something always seemed to happen - until recently.

Aidan attends TaeKwonDo training anywhere from 3-4 nights a week, except on Wednesdays. Wednesday nights is Sparring Class, and we have chosen not to let him spar - yet. So Family Night kind of was born on Wednesday nights. We didn't have any place to go in the evenings and we found it rather soothing to come together as a family and hang out in the backyard in the pool, or go for a bike ride, a hike, a walk, watch a movie, etc.

Last night, was Wednesday night - and instead of doing what we have been doing - watching ABC Family 25 Days of Christmas Movies, we pulled out the board games collecting dust on the shelves and played. All of us. What an inviting time!

Of course, this morning, the boys wanted to do it again instead of eat breakfast, get ready for school and the day! AHHH!....that will come, that will come...

Yes, that is Clyde the Elf on the Shelf in the background bungeed to a Christmas Tree being guarded by a Nutcracker...Long story...

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